Global Hussaini Mission (GHM) started its endeavour long back, working in all the corners of the world, connecting all the Hussainis. The main motive of this mission is to connect all the lovers of Hussain, those who revere and respect him, belonging to any faith or sect but having strong belief in humanity. All the revered intellectuals of the world, be it Mahatma Gandhi, Nelson Mandela or Rabindranath Tagore, hailed Hussain for his mission who sacrificed his beloved children in order to revive humanity and justice. There are no boundaries, be it regional or lingual, to remember Hussain and this mission to connect the lovers of Hussain is of prime importance. His supreme values viz. sacrifice, justice etc., as manifested in the battle of Karbala, should be imbibed by one and all and so does the need to connect the lovers of Hussain arise. The war on terrorism was first launched by Imam Hussain and in the contemporary times the terror activities are to be alleviated and justice prevailed. This mission will take the help of all those who are well placed and can provide assistance to the educated, poor, needy and jobless in order to make their ends meet. It will also emphasise on the concept of humanity and non-violence. We have been working to connect all the Hussainis for the last 30 years through GHM. Thanks to Allah, we have been successful in glorifying the mission of Hussain and to bring it on ground. As Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and his beloved grandson Hussain strived, we also want the love and affection to prevail between everyone and the hatred to be rejected. We also want to develop a sense of patriotism among our members so that they can work for the betterment of their respective Countries.